A primer to an educational log of the weblog
Monday, October 27, 2003
Communication & education. And more, the relation between this two concepts has a common point: put solution when we have problems, I think that this is the way of the education:authonomy and resolve problems. Vygotsky worked about this and his researches had interest in the cultural context.
Michael Cole (PhD in Psicology at the Indiana University) is a professor that take his research and offer perspectives and new works with computers. We can find a little biography about his focus of research and any interesting papers in this web.
He said: "For the past decade I have been engaged in a large, and growing, analysis of a large number of special "microcultures" ("Fifth Dimensions") that have been designed to promote the intellectual and social development of children."
Friday, October 17, 2003
The same with the hyperlink, all at once. The mind think all at once and I think that the live is look for the order, have control of all. However, the problem is when anything happen all of a sudden. We haven´t time to think, is this a Cultural change? We can say this and as a matter of fact anything happen when someone wants understand a behaviour but he/she can not.
Edward Hall (1914), anthropologist, wrote in The Silent Languaje (1959): "culture has long stood for the way of life of a people, for the sum of their learned behaviour patterns, attitudes, and material things" (pp. 31).
In training telematics systems we can have a knowledge according to the students (asking by e-mail, creating databases, by phone...). However, we can not see theirs, and we can not where and how is his context or what is happing in a particular moment. We communicate each other because we have a convention (code) but we can lose the meaning (the particular meaning that everyone have) in a ciberclass. A teacher, can be sure is all students have a correct understanding about the meaning of one particular content?Martinez Sanchez (1994) recognize that this is a problem when people work with Net and training.
A friend of mine say: -To my the life is be married and take care of my children; another say: - I like have a lot of relationships at the same time, but only I have one boyfriend; another say - I like work and this is my life because I like studied, of course I have hobbies but in effect I don´t have friends because never have time to meet people.
The meaning that everyone have about this sentences have a different support mediated for: a particular culture (parents and fiends), a group culture (friends and collegues), a social culture and the mass media culture (a new code whith a different conventions). I think that is interesting look for what particular criteria have every particular culture but if we ask each other how is own social culture we can answer - I don´t know, is normal. What is "culture"?
Hall wrote about this and personaly, I think that for this the tittle of his book is The Silent Languaje, speak about something that anyone speak because "is normal". But... I have hope, now importants professors write about the skin of the culture (for exemple Derrick De Kerckhove in 1997: The Skin of Culture: investigating the new electronic reality) and the ciberculture now is a not-space to observe what are happening when people of the other context have communication. If we can speak about "touch" the culture always is a good moment to analice what happen in teaching context and in distance teaching context.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Habbo Hotel is a fun and gentel virtual world. Perhpas this perception is because was the first time that I eat a virtual hamburger, I changed of virtual color of my hair without any money and was in the virtual swimming pool in may.
Habbo hotel is from UK, have free chat rooms and no free (in free chat romms you can sitt down with others to speak, drink a coca, eat... and sometime you find friends that can invited you to have a beer in privated chats rooms).
Who is possible speak? You are an avatar(representation of you) with a "speech bubbles" (littles windows of chat).
Friends of CENT show me this new virtual posibility of live last year.
This is time to work or time to play? To me I have not very clair, but usualy this is time to play.
In this moment there are 1.585 persons, then, have a good moment!
Discuss (3)
Monday, October 06, 2003
Communication together. This is the question in our live. MUDs (Multiple Dimesion, Multiple User Dungeon or Multiple User Dialogue) is a computer program where every one can live a personal live walking, chatting with other characters, find out new places, have a pregnance, marriage each other... (The MUD CONNECTOR, Resources-MUD Faqs).
Listen Mark Federman I ask myself if there are cognitive efects when we use this places. Obviously, is so late to ask this. McLuhan and "the medium is the message" (Understanding Media, 1964) explained this a lot of time ago.
Serrhy Turkle in Life on the Screen (1993) ask: "Are we living life on the screen or life in the screen? Our new technologically enmeshed relationships oblige us to ask to what extent we ourselves have become cyborgs, transgressive mixtures of biology, and code. The traditional distance between people and machines has become harder to maintain". Lastowa and Hunter(2003) write in the first parte of his paper that Lineage have 4 millions of players, Everquest's Norrath, 420 thousand of players, Ultima Online, 250 thousand and Dark Age of Camelot, 200 thousand.
Now, If I translate it in an educational field I think that: MUDs can do better social habilities, we can use a different personality and live more free to do & experiment new things that there aren't correct in real live, we can observe our reactions-our reaction wich others-the other relation between others.
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Missing is a computer game that was bringchild of Drew Ann Wake. CBC News says that the game is usseful to alert kids about pedophiles on the Internet.
Cibercops (11-14 age) and MirrorImage (14-16 age) are in this line too (Telefilm Canada). The websait should be loading now in LiveWires Design.
CBC and The Globe and Mail coincide that the chat rooms are an easy play for predators.
BBC says that the computer game is part of a CD-ROM that take a fictional scenario but it is based in real life cases.
MULTIMEDIA: Puzzles and video.
INTERACTION: Questions between the police and the player, "the police ask players to help find the boy" (CBC news)
EVALUATION: The game has been tested with a couple of hundred children. Typically, before they start, they are absolutely sure that no adult could fool them on the internet BBC news say).
Between 20,000 and 40,000 copies of Missing are in the schools across Canada and in some parts of the United States. BBC News says that "An international version is being developed to be launched at the United Nations conference on internet predators in Montreal in November.