A primer to an educational log of the weblog
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
In 1945, The Atlantic Monthly published the paper of Vannevar Bush "As We May Think". In this moment we can speak about the precursor os the Hypertext.
More late Ted Nelson, with the project XANADU, created the concept of Hypertext, he said "Hypertext is the presentation of information as a linked network of nodes which readers are free to navigate in a non-linear fashion. It allows for multiple authors, a blurring of the author and reader functions, extended works with diffuse boundaries, and multiple reading paths." (The Electronic Labyrinth).
The non-lineal text into the text is a model to represent the thinkers in our brain. However, it is necesary new tools for work because we metod is lineal. When we read a book and write and abstract, when speak face-to-face, when we put order in our home (everything in everyplace) we are lineals.
Obviously, I don´t want to lose my habit to put order in my house (I need this!), but I need new tools to put order in a world with a lot of information "just-and-time".
Last year Rebeca Blood published "The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and
Maintaining your Web Log". She offer in a two hundred pages her experience in three years about weblogs and the experience of webloggers of the firsth times.
Rebeca say "My interest is in the intersection between technology and human behavior: How people use technologies and how technologies influence what they do" Perseus Publishing offered to Rebeca creat this book. Less than a year later it are working in the second printing.
Last week I saw with my friend Agnes a meeting in CTV about the next elections in Ontario. According to the content my understanding was no very good. The solution, I attended the Tv (play of camera, titles, clothes and posture control when McGuinty (Liberal Party Leader), Eves (Conservative Leader) and Hampton (NAP Party Leader) had speaking.
I observed (obviously, this is very subjective and personal) that:
For start:
Eves, usually, don´t see to the rest of collegues. McGuinty and Hapton yes.
The position of Eves is firm, stable, similar to McGuinty but Dalton anytimes was flexible in his body. Hampton was more active, and this posture a little bit dinamic. In extrem, Eves was more mechanisc, McGuinty was sweet and Hampton was a emotional.
In the middle:
It was usually see Ernie Eves having notes (writing in his blok) and the others in a second shot. This was not common in Howard Hampton or McGuinty.
At the end:
Everyone had a little time for speak about his politic project of society, and the Tv another time spoke:
1º) Spoke a secure-fresh- innovator McGuilty. The camera used a progresive and slow zoom that finished with a close-up of Dalton.
2º) Spoke a protector-pleasant-secure Ernie Eves. The camera was direct in front of him.
3º) Spoke a emotional-impulsive-emphatic Howard Hampton. The camera offered a general shot and then it was direct in front of him.
The languaje not always are words!
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Weblog Vs Wyky Pages
In the last class, the Professor De Kerchkove threw a cuestion about the diference betwen Weblog and Wyky Pages. Here there is an exemple of Wyky Page.
From my point of veiw is that a weblog is the "hand" of oneself and the Wyky Pages is the "hand" of various. With the weblog we offer our personal idea and oneself makes ideas that others can read and complet in other space (or cyberplay). With Wyky Pages everybody make something in the same space, everybody work together but the efect is one product (a webpage) that we can see on the same space.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
A lost case. Always I try don´t say this. All in all I am good, and I fun when I am working, dancing, speaking, smoking or don´t do anything (Uau, this is the best).
The weblog is the same, to me in not a lost case, it is simple (to user) but we can do a lot of things for ourself and with others. Right now I am writing this weblog from Toronto, when I finish my little sister will read this from Spain, she would answer me in a couple of seconds and a jappanise person too at the same time. My sister, the japanisse person and me would read the same at the same time and only with a clic of mouse we would return to answer with a new lynk or a sentence.
For a collaborative work we have a free aplication. The University of Harvard offer this service to theirs students, and as a matter of fact, Glenn H. Reynolds, professor of law at the U. of Tennessee at Knoxville, coment about this "Blogging also offers speed; the opportunity to interact with diverse audiences both inside and outside academe"